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House of the World

House of the World

This website is used to explore and discover various homes all over the world.

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Team of 2

Short Explanation

This is for people all over the world to explore and discover various, unique and classical homes. Often separated on different sides of the world, we started a photography project of collecting charismatic houses from the places we visited together.

Project Goals

The goal of this project was to create a visually appealing and user-friendly website where users can explore and discover various homes and properties across different locations. We utilized SvelteKit, Node.js, and Tailwind CSS to develop this website, ensuring a seamless and responsive user experience.

Tech Stack Used

This project was made using SveltKit and Tailwindcss. For a static site, I tend to use SvelteKit and Tailwindcss for a better Developer Experience and faster loading speed. Using SvelteKit also makes data management easier by storing all of the data in the js file, then map it out on the page. With this structure, it is very easy to add or change something because we only need to change the data the markup will follow.

Screenshot 1
Web Screenshot
Web Screenshot


About page

A notable feature of this website is the implementation of a 'Linktree-like' page. This page was designed to facilitate user navigation and provide easy access to various sections and social media profiles, especially for visitors referred from Instagram.


Subscribe page

Usere can be notified when new photos or locations are added and limited prints become available on our shop
